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Life's hard. It's supposed to be.

Asian Inspired. American Made. 


But really, it's not about all that. It's about knowing that when you drink liquor, strong liquor, hard liquor: you're drinking history. 


You're not just drinking what's in front of you, you're drinking everything that came before you. Snake Water is inspired by one of the most iconic drinks in Asian history: Snake Wine.


Nothing gets your heart beating faster than a shot of fermented snake wine deep in the jungles of Vietnam. Yeah, that happens. No phones, no internet, no social media, no excuses. Just you. And a snake looking back at you. That's hard.


Don't worry. No snakes were harmed in the making of our Snake Water, however. It's just pure, clean liquor. You don't drink it for the snake. You drink it because it's strong. Because it's hard. Because it's you. 



We keep shit strong and simple.

We believe in the power of the drink. We believe that pretense is always exposed. We believe that what's in the bottle matters more than what's on the bottle. We believe in pure, hard liquor.


It's not just about the history. It's about right now. It's about being able to go out and have a strong drink. Without the pain. Without sacrificing quality.


We believe that you have the right to enjoy a beverage without pretending to care about the aging, and the barrels, and the B/S. We believe that you can enjoy a crisp, stiff drink without having to study.


Hard. Not harsh. LFG.

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